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Moving House

Review our checklist and ensure that you've contacted all those, which apply to you and your family:

  • Relatives and friends
  • Electricity board
  • Water board
  • Gas board
  • Television licence
  • Television supply - Sky/Cable
  • Telephone companies - land and mobile
  • Building Society
  • Bank
  • Credit card company
  • Accountant
  • Council rates department - electoral roll
  • Driving licence and car registration
  • Car insurance
  • Car breakdown service
  • Home insurance - contents and building
  • Your employer/employees
  • Doctor
  • Dentist
  • Optician
  • Window cleaner
  • Newsagent
  • Milkman
  • Other home deliveries/catalogues
  • School
  • College
  • Post Office to re-direct your mail

Plan carefully and let everyone know where you've gone.

Get in Touch

We've got a great team that is looking to assist you. If you would like a call back to discuss anything, please get in touch.

Contact Us

Thank you for all your guidance and expertise in dealing with J’s property…

Mrs F
Thank you for all your help. Once again it has been a pleasure to work with you all.
H and family
Our kind appreciation on prompt and helpful information on the sale of our property.
Mr & Mrs G

...a big thank you for all of your support and guidance in us buying our first home…. We will be rec...

Miss S & Mr T